To showcase your completed projects on your artist profile, follow these steps
After completing your project, highlight your new music to promote it with fans, and increase exposure by helping listeners to discover you and your music!
When visitors view your public artist profile, they'll be able to explore and listen to your featured tracks that you've pre-released or publicly released.
You also get the opportunity to have your featured songs/catalog shown on the homepage and official EngineEars socials (Instagram, X, Facebook, TikTok) in our Made on EngineEars series.
Steps to feature your songs
1. Feature a Completed Project:
- From your Bookings Tab, navigate to ANY completed project and click the ‘Publish this Project’ button.
2. Add Project Details:
- In the Project Details modal, fill out the relevant information about your upcoming release!
- Don't forget to add cover art for your single or album! (NOTE: if you don't add cover art, your songs won't be displayed on Made on EngineEars)
- When you’re done, click ‘Save’ to finalize.
3. Set Release Privacy:
- Please note: If your release is marked as private, it will not be visible to profile visitors.
- If marked public, it will be visible to anyone who visits your profile.
TIP: Your featured songs/catalog must be marked 'public' for them to be shown on the homepage and EngineEars socials (Instagram, X, Facebook, TikTok) in our Made on EngineEars series.
4. Edit Release Details (Optional):
- To update the details of a release, return to your completed project, click the 3-dot menu, and select ‘Edit Release’. This will reopen the Project Details modal, allowing you to modify your release information.
5. View Your Release on Your Profile:
- Go to your profile page. If your release is set to public, it will appear on your profile page.
- You can feature one track at a time at the top of your profile. Any additional public releases will appear underneath in the Catalog section.
- You can feature one track at a time at the top of your profile. Any additional public releases will appear underneath in the Catalog section.
6. Share Your Release:
- To promote your music, click the ‘Share Release’ button to copy the URL link to your profile page. You can then post this link on social media, allowing visitors to view and listen to your featured and cataloged tracks directly on your profile.
- When visitors access your profile, they’ll be able to view and listen to your featured tracks and other public releases displayed on your profile page.
Note: The ability for artists to directly sell their music on their profile page is currently in private beta. It is not generally available for all artist profile pages yet.