Artist promotion to increase exposure
When you release your songs publicly on your artist profile, you will get featured on the homepage and throughout our Made on EngineEars sections.
Additionally, EngineEars will repost/share your social post announcing your music release on our official EngineEars socials (Instagram, X, Facebook, TikTok).
If you are opted in to allow permission of EngineEars sharing your music you can be featured on posts such as our Made On EngineEars series.
In addition, you may post your songs in our Community discussion board for exposure or feedback, or to attract engineers to collaborate that love your sound.
As an artist, your music may also be chosen, with your consent, to be featured in a mix tutorial/breakdown on our Livestream channel to educate viewers of your music and the process that went in to creating it. These livestreams can be broken down into content clips for the EngineEars socials to give even more exposure to your music.