Creating service packages on EngineEars allows clients to book you for your services.
1. View Profile
Click the 'view profile' option in the top right corner.
2. Edit Profile/Add New Package
Next, click the Edit Mode toggle option underneath your banner - then scroll down to your services and click Add Service.
- Edit Mode: This mode allows you to edit your profile.
- Add Service: This allows you to add a new service to your profile.
3. Select Which Packages to Add
Choose from numerous types of service packages such as:
Recording (Detailed steps on how to add a Recording Service)
Full Stem Mixing
2-Track Mixing
Note: in order to offer Dolby Atmos services, you will need to be certified with Dolby Atmos.
4. Customize Service Package
After selecting a service package to add, there are 4 tabs to customize when setting up your new service. In each tab, there are Advanced Settings available to give you greater flexibility and control in how you customize your service package for clients.
You can click to expand/collapse the Advanced Settings section to see/edit these additional options. If you're unsure, you can proceed with the defaults first, and come back at a later time to adjust or utilize Advanced Settings.
Service Details
Scheduling Preferences
Service Description
- Upload an image, photo, or video to make your service stand out more (Service Details > Add Media or visit the Media Tab).
- You can always return to your Profile's Edit Mode to make modifications to a service or customize the details further.
5. Save Changes
Click 'Save' button after you have finished customizing the details in all the tabs:
- Service Details
- Scheduling Preferences
- Service Description
- Media
Make sure to click through the next three tabs and confirm/complete the details before hitting 'Save' button.