Edit your service package to change the details and booking price of your services
1. View Profile
Click the 'view profile' option in the top right corner.
2. Edit Profile
Next, make sure your profile is in Edit Mode by clicking the toggle in the banner. Once in Edit Mode click Edit Service on the service package you wish to update.
- Edit Mode: This mode allows you to edit your profile.
- Edit Service: This mode shows you what your profile looks like to the public.
4. Make changes to Service Package
Modify the particular details, starting with the Service Details tab. Here you can adjust your rates, revisions, and more!
Note: see here for specific steps on adding/editing a recording service.
Service Details
Scheduling Preferences
Here you can adjust your booking availability. Select the days you are available and eligible to receive client bookings. For days you are not available, clients will not be able to book your services.
Rush Fees
You can also opt to add a rush fee for projects that are requested for expedited delivery. To do so, turn the toggle for 'Turn on automatic rush fees?' to ON. Then enter the additional per-day surcharge you want automatically applied to your service rate for rush projects. This is applied as an incremental percentage for each day the project is expedited.
For example, you charge 50% for automatic rush fees. Your typical turnaround time for a full-stems mix is 4 days and costs $100 per song, and a client wants rushed delivery for a single track in 2 days rather than the typical 4. With 50% rush fees applied to the $100 service rate, the client will be charged a total of $150 for each day they want a faster turnaround. Since this client requests a 2 day faster turnaround for expected delivery of the mixed single, the total charge will be 2 days x $150 = $300 for the rushed project.
Service Description
Here you can add any additional details that may sweeten the deal for your clients, such as offering live revisions via Zoom.
Media Tab
Here you can add a photo, image, or video to your service package. You must have a cover photo selected first to add a video. Once you have completed filling out all of your details to your liking, and your cover photo/video are uploaded, click Save.
Note: If you want to delete a Service Package from your profile, you can do so by clicking the 'Delete Service' button when editing a Service. Once a service is deleted from your profile, clients will no longer be able to book you for the deleted service.