Filling out your profile and really making it your own, is an extremely important step. You can think of it as your digital business card, a LinkedIn for music professionals.
1. Go to Your Profile
Log in to your EngineEars account and navigate to your profile by clicking on your profile picture or name in the top-right corner.2. Edit Mode
On your profile banner make sure the toggle slider is set to Edit ModeUpdate the Following Details:
- Profile Picture: Upload or change your profile image.
- Banner Color/Picture: Personalize your profile banner.
- Location: Add or update your current location.
- Preferred Genres: Select or edit your genre of music.
- Bio: Write or update a short bio about yourself.
- Social Media Links: Connect your social media accounts to your profile.
3. Account Settings
For additional settings, click Open Account Settings to access more customization options.
- Once in Account Settings, you can edit:
- First & Last Name
- Display Name
- Username
- Phone Number
Tip: Your Display Name is publicly visible on your profile and is essential to branding yourself on EngineEars. Your Username is what is used for logging into your EngineEars account and can be used to brand yourself also, but it must be unique. Follow these steps to update your username.
- Select the Account type tab to select which type of profile you would like to be your primary focus. We do not recommend creating multiple accounts with the same email / phone number.
4. Save Your Changes
After making the necessary updates, make sure to click the 'Save Settings' button on the right to apply your updates.
5. Showcase your completed projects on your artist profile!