How do I listen to a finished mix or master?

Listen to your finished mix or master and request a revision or approve the finished mix or master.

1. Project Page

To review your project, navigate to your Projects Page from the folder icon at the top of the page. Locate the project you want to review and click Review Mix.


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2. Reviewing Mix or Master

Clicking Review brings you to the project page, where you will be able to listen the mix or master, as well as share out the mix or master to additional team members for notes.


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Reference (A)

Here you will find the uploaded reference track, this is the rough demo you submitted with your files.

Mix or Master (B)

Here is the finished mix or master from your engineer. Once clicking Play you can toggle between the reference and the finished mix or master by clicking the 'A' and 'B' or the A/B Toggle in the lower right corner.

Time-Stamped Comments

You can leave time-stamped comments or just overall comments here.

Share Mix

You can share this page out to your team members to get feedback with this feature. Just type in the email of your recipient and send. You can optionally add a password to protect the link, as well as make it a one-time access link.

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3. Request a Revision or Approve


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After you and/or your team has listened and provided notes you can send the project into Revision with your engineer for them to make the desired adjustments for resubmission. To do this, click Request Revision.

If you and/or your team is happy with the finished product, click Approve. Your engineer will then be prompted to upload final deliverables to unlock their payment.