Creating custom Promo Codes on EngineEars.
To create a custom Promo Code for your clients navigate to your Dashboard page. Here, there is a section called Promo Codes. Click the orange button at the bottom of this section titled 'Add Promo Code'.
Once clicked, a window will pop up to add the expiration date, the discount percentage, if the code is for single-use, and a name for your code.
Once you are done filling out all of the details of your Promo Code click 'Submit' and your code will appear. Now you can have your clients use the name of the Promo Code at checkout to receive their discount.
TIP: After creating your custom promo code, you can also download an auto-generated promotional asset with the custom promo code to advertise your discount and attract clients.
Sign up for Platform Wide Promotions (Opt In or Opt Out)
To opt in to platform wide promotions, navigate to your Dashboard page. Here, there is a section called Promo Codes.
Click the toggle button 'Opt in for platform wide promotions' to ON. When this toggle is enabled (ON), you will be enrolled in platform-wide promotions and will be eligible to offer these platform discounts to your clients.
To disable platform wide promotions, you can click the 'Opt in for platform wide promotions' to OFF. This will unenroll you from platform-wide promotions and you will not be eligible to offer these platform discounts to your clients.