How do I access my purchased music?

How to access purchased music and/or receive additional items included with purchase transaction directly sold by an Artist.

This article provides steps on how to access music you have already purchased from an Artist profile page.

Note: This ability for artists to directly sell their music on their profile page is currently in private beta. It is not generally available for all artist profile pages yet.


Play or Download purchased songs

1. Go to 'My Library' and click the purchased item in the list. This will direct you to the Artist's profile page.

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.18.54 PM

2. On the Artist's profile page, you will be able to play the purchased song(s) by clicking the 'Play' button. You can click the 'Pause' button to pause the song playback.

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.24.24 PM. Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.24.42 PM

3. You can also click the 'Download All' button to download all purchased song file(s) in a project.

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.24.24 PM copy

4. If you only want to download an individual purchased song, you can click the 3-dot menu on the right of the song title, and then click the 'Download' option (MP3 or WAV file format) to download the specific song file. 

Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 12.20.22 AM

If you are experiencing an issue with playing or downloading your purchased music, please contact EngineEars support along with proof of your purchase. 


Access or receive purchased items

Purchase bundles sold by the Artist may include additional items such as access to digital content/experiences (e.g. live stream, exclusive videos etc), and/or physical goods (e.g. merchandise).

After payment has successfully processed, you will receive more specific information over email from the Artist's designated team about how to gain access or receive the additional items in your purchase. This may include specific date/time/location to access digital content, or shipping details/tracking information for physical goods to be delivered.

Please note, all sales of purchased items are final. If you are encountering an issue with shipping, we suggest contacting the artist's team directly with your concerns as they are responsible for handling order fulfillment of physical goods/merchandise purchased.